Tap. Tap. Is this on?

What is this?. Why am I doing this?


What I am planning to do? Why am i doing this?

This is an experiment. I have never blogged and I have never had any urge to do that. So, this is my kind of journal, that also acts as a blog, which I use to learn about new stuff.

Why “Frugal MCUer?”?

Well, I am trying to be economical and minimalist. Especially regarding technology. Why spend and use limited resources more than necessary.

MCU means MicroController Unit, which is a technology that has interested me lately. Though this journal/blog is not going to be limited to them: Single Board Computers are one related area, as well as all kinds of hobby electronics and components, but also other topics like applications, programming and frameworks.

In fact, probably most of the posts will be about something random, but still technology related.

MCUer in this context also means that I am not a professional MCU expert, I am just playing around and learning.

Other notes:

I use Linux. At home, my desktop/laptop currently runs Arch, …BTW. Servers and single board computers Debian.